Author Archive: wdaniel

Author Archives for wdaniel

Lorton Community Action Center
Lorton Community Action Center saw a need in the face of the pandemic and wanted families to have a wonderful holiday season. They were committed to providing food, toys, and resources to those in the community who needed them the most. They worked tirelessly to gather donations to distribute, and we had a secret surprise on this Pay It forward with Fox 5.
Veteran Eddie Smith
In October, 82-year-old veteran, affectionately known as Mr. Eddie, lost his home of 40 years in a fire, forcing him to start over. On this Pay It Forward with Fox 5, we had a special surprise for him and his wife.
On this #HelpingHands with ABC 7 Santa's Helpers has been donating thousands of toys to Toys for Tots for Christmas and we wanted to contribute to their tireless efforts! Watch the full video to see the special surprise we had for Michelle and Mike Donnelly!
Soles4Souls is an organization that collects unwanted shoes and puts them to good use for those in need. On this #PayItForward with Fox 5 we were inspired by their efforts so we donated $500 worth of shoes to their cause. We also purchased $1500 worth of foot soap from botanical-based line Naturally London to give to first responders and hospital staff.
We partnered with ABC7 for our Helping Hands initiative to donate $2,000 to a local non-profit that provides mobile showers to the homeless community.
We're always looking for ways to give back. So we've partnered with WUSA 9 to recognize people doing things right in our community like Hope Connections For Cancer Support.
Inspired by these neighbors coming together to help one another, we surprised each household with a $100 gift card to help with their holiday shopping on this Pay It Forward with Fox 5.
On this Helping Hands segment with 7 News, we wanted to help such a fantastic cause by donating $2,000 to support St. Stephens Baptist Church & Project Bright Future.
Ellie's Hats Helping Hands ABC 7.
Moved by the amazing work Ellie's Hats has put into help other pediatric patients we had a special surprise for them on this Helping Hands with ABC 7.