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Helping Hands: SMYAL

SMYAL is an LGTBQ organization that works to empower and support LGBTQ youth so they can function successfully in their everyday lives. SMYAL consists of various programs such as housing, community outreach, leadership and development, and clinical services programs.

Skipp O’Shea from ABC 7 spoke with SMYAL’s clinical director about their newest program, clinical services, which provides individual, group, and family therapy. They want support to be easily accessible to the LGBTQ community.

Joel Bassam joined with a special surprise, “Touched by what you guys are doing, we want to support organizations just like SMYAL, not just during pride month but year around. We want to donate $2,000 so that you guys can continue to empower LGTBQ youth, our community, and the communities around us.”

SMYAL wanted others to know that for anyone a part of the LGBTQ community looking for support or family, SMYAL is more than happy to help you and help you through your journey.
